blog on Generative AI and Large Language Models

#106 ChatGPT, Bard, and Claude: The Evolving Dynamics of AI Conversations

Written by Rishi Yadav | November 2023

<< Previous Edition: Are We Ready for Open-Source Sausage?

Navigating the generative AI landscape reveals two primary vantage points - the conversational interface and the API facet. There's a notion of a third dimension, the plugin ecosystem, which undeniably serves as a nexus for integrating applications like Zillow or Expedia. However, beyond serving as this integration juncture, its utility appears to be limited.

The advancements in the realm of APIs are pivotal, especially for platforms like RoostGPT that operate on a layer above foundational large language models. My co-founder, Sudhir Jangir, who has a keen observance of the evolving capabilities of APIs, will shed light on this aspect.

On the other hand, the relevance of the chat interface is profound. It is the chat interface of GPT that catapulted it to become a household name in less than a year. As usual, let's dive into the three major players in this field: ChatGPT by OpenAI, Bard by Google, and Claude by Anthropic.

Delineating Capabilities: A Closer Look

ChatGPT garners widespread acclaim for its extraordinary narrative prowess, rendering it a remarkable interlocutor. In addition to its storytelling finesse, this proficient entity adeptly navigates spreadsheet domains, expertly analyzing data and illuminating nascent insights. With ChatGPT, it's akin to summoning an astute narrator readily available at your very fingertips.

Bard truly stands out when it comes to real-time fact gathering, setting it apart from ChatGPT. While ChatGPT is catching up, Bard's impressive ability to provide up-to-date information in a timely manner remains noteworthy.

Claude.AI has limitations in handling external data or web access, it excels in navigating complex queries. Its exceptional talent for creative problem-solving distinguishes it and defines its uniqueness. However, the longevity of its value remains uncertain if additional functionality is not introduced.

Whimsical Behaviors: Handling Complex Tasks

Theical behaviors exhibited by Bard and ChatGPT when confronted with complex tasks add a delightful yet occasionally frustrating undertone to our interactions. When faced with a challenging request, Bard politely signals its focus on the task by providing a 'working on it' message, encouraging you to check back later. However, if impatience gets the better of you and you persist, you're met with the following response:

I'm unable to help, as I am only a language model and don't have the ability to process and understand that.

On the other hand, ChatGPT is more transparent about its progress. If a task is estimated to take 5 minutes and, out of curiosity, you inquire about it at the 1-minute mark, ChatGPT will share whatever it has prepared by then. There won't be any ambiguity, leaving you pondering about the readiness of the response. Both ChatGPT and Bard, each in their unique manner, subtly challenge your patience and intelligence.

Rich Text Rendering: A Unique Offering

One feature which all three lack is ability to support rich text. It's daunting task to even do basic things like creating hypertext. This is where a contender from stone age i.e. BC era comes into play. Jasper.AI though In the midst of these intriguing narratives, introduces a notable feature - rich text support. This simple yet significant feature enriches text interactions by rendering hyperlinks, adding a subtle but impactful layer to the user experience.

Conclusion: An Engrossing Journey

The evolving narratives of ChatGPT, Bard, and Claude form a captivating tapestry of the conversational AI landscape. Their unique strengths, quirky behaviors when handling complex tasks, and innovative features like rich text support from Jasper are carving the pathway towards a more enriched user experience in human-machine interaction. With each state of the union, new developments unfold, promising an exhilarating future as these platforms continue to evolve and reshape the human-machine interaction narrative.

>> Next Edition: Generative AI is not teleportation, at least not yet!